
History of Bowler Hats: Everything You’ve Wanted To Know

The bowler hat’s history is just as thick as its crown. Sure enough, it was historical to witness how this hat became a fashion statement throughout the years. History of...

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How To Pick The Right Shoes To Match With Shorts

Whether you’re getting a grub with friends or going for a stroll on the beach, nothing appeals more but to wear a pair of shoes to match with shorts. It’s...

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Cold Weather Hats | Guide to Cold Weather Headwear

There is no denying that we greatly missed outdoor activities like skiing and throwing snowballs with neighbors (purposely, perhaps?) since staying indoors became a constant and ordinary activity. Sipping hot...

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The Best Shoes To Wear With Every Suit Colour

The shoes for the suit require special attention in trying out the right combination. Finding the right shoes strengthens your overall outfit, but failing to do so will surely sabotage...

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Hva er en god hatt, og hvorfor bør du få en?

Når menn får følelsen at klesning er en måte å representere deres status, Hatter Har oppstått over tid. De har vært her i mange år. Fedoras , Og de forskjellige...

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De fire beste formelle hattstiler for menn

Husker du hvordan de kledde seg i historiens største synkende skip? Folket i Titanic har den elegansen og sofistikeringen som du raskt kan oppnå ved å ha drakten og slips...

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Grunner til at du skal ha hatt (under sommer og vinter)

Folk er ivrige etter å komme tilbake til tingene i år så snart regjeringen har opphevet grensene i år Du kan gå på konserter eller seile med vennene dine om...

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How to Pair Dress Shoes with Jeans

Going outside and meeting your friends and family for dinner or simply just hanging out can still make you wish you have the right combination of shoes and clothing. After...

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