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Os 6 melhores estilos de sapatos masculinos para usar no outono

A melhor época do ano para moda masculina, incluindo calçados, é, sem dúvida, o outono. É o clima onde a camiseta que você usou durante todo o verão está se...

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Blue Suit & Brown Shoes: How to Nail the Look

The modern corporate environment is thriving with new trends that you can wear every day while still visually appealing. For example, the clothes you wear, such as a blue suit...

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Como escolher os sapatos certos para combinar com shorts

Se você está pegando um grub com os amigos ou indo para um passeio na praia, nada agrada mais do que usar um par de sapatos para combinar com shorts....

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The Best Shoes To Wear With Every Suit Colour

The shoes for the suit require special attention in trying out the right combination. Finding the right shoes strengthens your overall outfit, but failing to do so will surely sabotage...

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How to Pair Dress Shoes with Jeans

Going outside and meeting your friends and family for dinner or simply just hanging out can still make you wish you have the right combination of shoes and clothing. After...

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How To Lace Oxfords & Tie Men’s Dress Shoes

Shoes with shoelaces ensure the tightness and comfort of the wearer. Since most of the dress shoes come with lace, you must have the right shoelace to ensure the shoe’s...

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5 Rules On Wearing Dress Shoes With Jeans

We both know that the classic combination that goes well with casual is the sneaker and jeans combination. But sometimes, sneakers are not worth a second glance. Try spicing up...

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Brogues & Guia de Sapatos Wingtip para Homens

Ao usar sapatos masculinos, tênis não são apenas os únicos sapatos que os homens usam constantemente. Seria horrível combiná-los com seu terno, certo? Mas existem outros tipos de sapatos, como...

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