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How To Lace Oxfords & Tie Men’s Dress Shoes

Shoes with shoelaces ensure the tightness and comfort of the wearer. Since most of the dress shoes come with lace, you must have the right shoelace to ensure the shoe’s...

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5 Rules On Wearing Dress Shoes With Jeans

We both know that the classic combination that goes well with casual is the sneaker and jeans combination. But sometimes, sneakers are not worth a second glance. Try spicing up...

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4 Most Iconic Hats You've Seen In The Movies

Movies have played an integral role in affecting the social culture and the portrayal of society. While it was fun to watch and keep track of the plot, the artists...

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As Melhores Marcas Fedora para Escolher em 2021

Você está planejando ir a um show ao ar livre com seus amigos à tarde? Você pode não querer deixar de fora começar o seu fedora para usar. Pode ser...

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Usar chapéu causa queda de cabelo?

Há muitas razões pelas quais as pessoas optam por se esquivar de obter um excelente chapéu para enfatizar suas características. Talvez seja por causa de muitos mitos que eles pensaram...

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The Complete Straw Boater Hat Guide

Summer can be the season where when we get outdoors, the sun’s rays are the harshest. And in fashion, there are many ways to beat the heat and hot weather,...

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Brogues & Guia de Sapatos Wingtip para Homens

Ao usar sapatos masculinos, tênis não são apenas os únicos sapatos que os homens usam constantemente. Seria horrível combiná-los com seu terno, certo? Mas existem outros tipos de sapatos, como...

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The Complete Bowler Hat Guide

Fashionable hats can never go out of character. While others may see that the hats can serve as a fashion statement, it can be a disaster when you don’t know...

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